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Canal House

Canal House

In 2003 Brentford Town Centres Ltd  was granted Outline planning consent for a comprehensive redevelopment of land south of the High Street. This was granted subject to completion of a section 106 Agreement, which called for an agreed strategy for negotiating the purchase of remaining land interests, notably Twickenham Plating Group (TPG) to satisfy the Council’s concerns over loss of local employment.

In 2003 we were appointed by a consortium of land owners representing Marvin Architectural and Twickenham  Plating Works to draw up an alternative proposal to enable their land to be developed independantly in a way that was compatible with the masterplan for the area.


As part of our study we undertook a feasibility study to examine the best mix od uses on site and to determine the number and value of units created to enable a business plan to be developed.

See Canal House 

Canal House, Brentford

Kennedy O'Callaghan Architects 
Registered as a Limited Liability Partnership: OC397268
70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ   T: 02072536600
RIBA Chartered Practice
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