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Workhouse Boardroom

Workhouse Boardroom

St Clements London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Aerial View

Aerial View

St Clements London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Study for new balconies

Study for new balconies

Study for new lift tower

Study for new lift tower

Domolitions study

Domolitions study

Study for repair to front railings

Study for repair to front railings

We were appointed by John Thompson and Partners Architects to work alongside their conservation architect, Nicola de Quincey, to carry out a conservation appraisal of a former hospital, prior to conversion to housing, to assess its suitability for conversion.

We carried out a detailed site inspection and recorded the elements room by room. We prepared a 3-d CAD model to study options for layout and to study the potential impact of introducing lifts, balconies and service cores.

We carried out a survey of the boundary walls and studied the implications of potentially creating further openings, prior to an application for listed building consent.

St Clements Hospital Site

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Kennedy O'Callaghan Architects 
Registered as a Limited Liability Partnership: OC397268
70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ   T: 02072536600
RIBA Chartered Practice
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