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Converted Armour School

Converted Armour School

The Tank Museum required storage and study areas for their supporting collections of uniforms, paintings, photographs and memorabilia.

We undertook a detailed feasibility study to ascertain the storage required to house the collection and we tested the old derelict Armour Store adjacent to the library for its suitability.

The museum could not afford to fully air-condition the buildings to Museum and Galleries standards and we worked closely with King Shaw to develop cost effective ways of controlling the environment.


We heavily insulated and fully sealed the building to reduce heat loss and omit solar gain and we introduced a mechanical ventilation system to control the environment to acceptable standards to ensure the long term preservation of the collection.

The Tank Museum

Supporting Collection Study Centre

Kennedy O'Callaghan Architects 
Registered as a Limited Liability Partnership: OC397268
70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ   T: 02072536600
RIBA Chartered Practice
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